Community Meeting with Marisa Paterson on Thursday 6th May
Reminder: Marisa Paterson will be meeting with the Uriarra Village Community this Thursday at the Community Centre
Uriarra Village Clubs
There will be a trial of an idea I originally had when I first started working on the Uriarra Village website. Social Clubs will be run for residents to meet other people who have the same interests. There are currently no confirmed clubs but watch this space.
Horse Sub-Committee Meeting Minutes to go on Website
After a member of the community suggested that Horse Sub-Committee Meeting Minutes go on the website, the main Committee has agreed to do so. You will be able to find these under the 'Files' page.
Bonfire Night
There is going to be a Village Bonfire Night run this year on the same day as CFU Saturday. There will be more details about this further into the year.
Weather Outlook
BOM is forecasting Average to Above Average rainfall in the next few months. Our main 'Climate Drivers' (E.G. La Nina) are meant to stay neutral until spring, where we could see La Nina redevelop bringing more wet weather