Camera Discussions
The Committee is discussing the installation of Security Cameras in certain community spaces due to ongoing damage and misuse. There are also discussions about how the footage would be used if there was damage or misuse and who would have access to the footage.
Weed Spraying
There will be some Weed Spraying happening in the Horse Paddocks in the near future. There are no set dates currently but they will be posted in the calendar under the events page once confirmed.
Uriarra Crossing Open
Uriarra Crossing has reopened after flooding caused it to close
River Flooding
There has been significant river flooding over the past week after the village recorded 250mm of rain over four days. This caused the closure of river crossings, recreational areas and national parks around the ACT. Most areas that were closed due to flooding have now reopened.
Above: Photos of the Murrumbidgee River and Cotter River in Flood taken at Uriarra Crossing, Uriarra East, Casurina Sands, Cotter Campground and Cotter Bend
Winter Weather
The Bureau of Meteorology is forecasting an Average winter in terms of weather, with the wetter than average weather expected to clear with the breakdown of the La Nina. We are in for average to below-average daytime and nighttime temperatures as well as average rainfall.